Thursday, January 27, 2022

What I hope to gain from this course

                                           What I hope to gain from this course

As a Journalism major, I am aware that "Never Stay Silent" is a required course, which is one of the primary reasons I am taking it.  In addition to fulfilling my major requirement, I am determined to build on the knowledge and skills I have acquired regarding how to obtain and disseminate information to the public.  

I am also aware that in this course, we are required to write blogs regarding diverse topics, which I am especially psyched about.  Personally, I prefer blogs over tests or quizzes because I feel like I learn more when I research topics individually and then write about them. 

People have told me that I am an eloquent writer and speaker, which I have to agree with.  After all, writing runs in my family, as I am related to the late author, Zora Neale Hurston.  One of my goals is to continue her legacy of writing in our family.   

                                                   Photo courtesy of:

By doing so, I am able to thoroughly express how much I have comprehended the material.  Although tests and quizzes have their place in school, I do not believe that circling answers on a piece of paper or online accurately reflects a student's understanding of the concept.  

If anything, tests have given me a ton of anxiety throughout most of my school career.  Don't get me wrong, I do well on tests 85-90% of the time.  

However, I am just glad that I can have a respite from tests and quizzes in this class.  Furthermore, I look forward to the lectures, as I love Professor Smith's methods of teaching.  He explains things really well and makes the learning process interesting.  

                                                Photo courtesy of:

I strive to be a well-informed citizen, which is why I derive my information from an eclectic range of news sources.  In recent years, however, I have noticed that a majority of the news is heavily dominated by politics.  W

hile I am passionate about studying political issues and how they impact our lives, I know that as a journalist, it is my duty to maintain a neutral position when addressing the subject.  I'm not going to lie, it can be hard sometimes, especially when I am conversing with people of opposite viewpoints.  

Still, I know that I must keep it professional and not interject my personal bias.  After all, my job is to report facts and not give my own commentary; And, I do not want to alienate any of my viewers.

                                              Photo courtesy of:

I hope that through taking this course, I will learn how to analyze political matters at more advanced level and distinguish between facts and personal bias or opinions.  By doing so, I know I will gain more credibility in the news industry, as my target audience will know that my intention is strictly to report on facts and not take sides.

When I hear the phrase, "Never Stay Silent," I interpret it as an implication that as journalists, we have a fundamental obligation to inform and educate citizens about what is transpiring in our society, as well as around the world.  However, I have read stories of journalists being subjected to legal ramifications for reporting on certain information, specifically pertaining to the government.  In this class, I hope to learn more about which journalistic practices are protected under the first amendment.  

                                                     Photo courtesy of:

Nowadays, I find it hard to discern which news sources I can trust because there is so much divisiveness and propaganda that continues to permeate our nation.  Again, I think much of this can be attributed to politics, which is why I think many people have a cynical attitude towards journalists.

Hopefully, this class will reinforce the philosophy that journalists have a responsibility to criticize and hold the government accountable and not side with it.  By remembering and executing this principle, we can work towards building more trust between journalists and members of the public. 

Overall, I am glad to be taking this class, as some of our discussions have already enhanced my critical thinking skills.  I believe that by the end of the semester, I will also understand the importance of using my voice and speaking my truth, which is something I have struggled with for most of my life.  

I thought I had finally found my voice years ago, which I did to an extent.  I am no longer bashful or insecure as I once was.  

However, there are times when my voice cracks and I get scared to speak up for myself.  My mother has encouraged me to find my voice again and not be intimidated to speak my mind. 

 She tells me that my voice and opinions matter as much as everyone else's, and that I will always have critics no matter what.  Nonetheless, I cannot allow other people to silence my voice.  

If they do not like what I have to say, too bad. Therefore, I am claiming that this is my time to evolve and become the outspoken and fearless leader that I know I was always meant to be.  

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Multimedia Story- Black students' experiences on a predominantly white campus

      Black students’ experiences on a predominantly white campus                                  By Lauryn Green      High Point Unive...